Portview Warehouses

Company name: Portview Investments Limited
Current status: Complete
Year completed: 2004
Type: Commercial (warehouse)
Size (built-up-area): 111,000 square feet

Shimanzi warehouses close to Mombasa Port

Portview warehouses are a collection of 6 large warehouses and ancillary office building located on a 2.5 acre plot in Shimanzi, Mombasa. The warehouses measure a total of 101,000 square feet and the adjacent office building measures a total of 10,000 square feet. The spacious compound yard allows for generous turning and manoeuvring for lorries and accompanying trailers. The warehouses offer a safe secure location within close proximity to the main gate for the port of Mombasa. The warehouses are currently leased out long-term to blue-chip tenants. Back-up facilities include electric fencing, on-site back-up generator and borehole.

Portview warehouses are a collection of 6 large warehouses and ancillary office building